Final thoughts:
The products Zalman make fit in a portion of the market that, until recently, was pretty much their territory to reign but with other companies concentrating on silence, Zalman have to up the ante of their products to stay ahead. With these three products they seem to have done exactly that, adding to an extensive range for the consumer to choose from.

We liked all three of these products, and having seen them at work in both an HTPC and a full size tower PC we are left with no doubt that where silence is concerned Zalman are still well up there with the best. Our only concern is the pricing of the Power Supply Unit; at £70, albeit silent, it is not modular as some of the other well speccified and nearly silent PSUs on the market.
The Korean Kings of Silence live to rule another day, but in a market where ideas are rapidly absorbed adapted and improved on, they will need to continue with innovation and maintain competitive pricing or may well find themselves lagging behind. I, for one, have seen very few Zalman products I would not personally recommend and hope for that to be the case for many years to come.
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